AIM can provide onsite maintenance and repair of all your fan equipment. Inspections, PM's, Fan Balancing and Laser Alignment are part of what we do.
We can provide turnkey maintenance, repair, rebuild, and retrofit of most OEM brands.
When it comes to Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers we have the knowledge and experience to provide turnkey maintenance and repair services.
From woodyards to recovery boilers we can provide parts and labor to repair or upgrade your most difficult material handling issues.
Is your expansion joint in need of repair? We can provide new and repair parts and labor for all fabric and metal expansion joints.
Our fabrication shop has all the ASME certifications to perform the most simple fabrication to pressure vessel code work. We also have designers onsite ready to tackle your toughest job.
AIM Services.JJ (pdf)
DownloadWe can provide full time manpower for onsite maintenance